5 reasons your hosting company should have a .HOST domain
Having a your.HOST domain gives your target customer an immediate understanding of what your hosting business does – HOSTING.
A .com doesn’t say anything about your brand, but .HOST gives you a clear sense of purpose to your target audience. While many companies will stick with their .COM’s, I really believe .HOST is a better domain for branding and selling purposes. In addition, the .HOST domain will rank better within SEO searches as the keyword most of your audience is searching for will use the word ‘host’ or ‘hosting’.
The .HOST domain also gives your business a more credible standing with your target audience. Credibility is a KEY point in the FindMyHost.com strategy of building trust within prospects to get them to convert into a paying customer.
Let’s face it – .COM just isn’t cool anymore. A .HOST site could be spun off and allow you to generate SEO links coming in much easier than a .COM and stand out more against your competitors.
FindMyHost.com’s Top 5 Reasons to Register a .HOST Domain
Reason 1: Clarity of purpose
Reason 2: Better Branding
Reason 3: Credibility
Reason 4: Better SEO Rankings
Reason 5: Cooler names
“If you are looking to make it easier for potential customers to find your website – build instant trust with consumers, then give yourself a leg up over your competition by registering a .HOST domain .ASAP.” – Christian Henning, Editor, FindMyHost.com.
To secure your very own .HOST domain visit www.get.host. To become a .HOST registrar visit http://get.host/registrars.php
About FindMy.HOST
FindMyHost.com has been a premier destination for web hosting consumers for over 15 years – and now we are proud to add .HOST to our web hosting review and search portal. Thousands of consumers search FindMyHost each and every month searching for the best of the best in the web hosting industry.
3 Reasons You Should Be Marketing Your .HOST on FindMy.HOST
1. Qualified and Highly Motivated Buyers
2. Gain a credibility boost by combining our Approved Host Seal with your new .HOST domain
3. Stand out from competitors with a highly brandable domain
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