FindMyHost Interviews CEO and Founder Petar Darazhanski

Please tell us the year established and brief history of TMD Hosting?
TMDHosting was established in 2007 and our first office was in Orlando, FL. In the beginning, the company had four full-time employees only but during the years our team grew to more than 70 people, dedicated to providing high quality hosting services every day.
What do you offer your customers that are unique to your company?
It is the technical support in all its forms and variations. This is what truly distinguishes our company from the rest in the market landscape. We do provide technical support that is actually free, with no hidden costs. Our mission is to help people achieve online presence even with small or no technical knowledge, thus we offer wide variety of free services, such as application installation and configuration, modules/extensions and themes/templates installation for completely free of charge. We have large knowledge base and detailed, step-by-step tutorials for every open source application, even for the ones that are not very popular.
What is the most challenging aspect to offering Web Hosting?
No doubt it is keeping up with the technology progress and even being a step ahead of them. The infrastructure we operate has evolved a lot, if compared to even a year ago. Every year there is a major change in the market landscape and consumer demand, usually thanks to a new technology that has emerged. It is very challenging to monitor, adapt to and even predict such changes.
What is it that makes TMD Hosting a competitive company in the Web Hosting market?
We do not have a ready recipe for success, but providing cutting-edge technologies and technical support at an affordable price is working for us so far.
What new features have TMD Hosting added for its customers in the past year?
We have introduced high-performance SSD storage for all our plans, as well as built our own, in-house web firewall, which protects all our Customers from the threats that are around the Internet nowadays, such as exploits, SQL injections and malware.
What would you say is TMD Hosting #1 asset to its customer base?
I would say it is the layer of simplicity that we add to our Customers’ online experience. They do not need to bother with administering their hosting infrastructure and applications. We do all of this and it is included for free in all our plans. This way our Customers can focus on managing their website and leave the hosting management to us.
Where do you see TMD Hosting and the web hosting industry in three years?
We see a huge demand on virtualization and cloud-based services. While developing our existing infrastructure and tuning it to face the daily technologies challenges, we believe that cloud-based services are the future of the Internet. In three years, everything will be in the cloud, including TMDHosting.
How many customers do you currently have?
We are currently providing high quality web hosting services to more than 70,000 Customers around the world.
Do you own your own datacenter?
We prefer leasing our servers from trusted data center providers, such as SingleHop. We are one of their major Customers, both in terms of revenue and amount of servers used. This gives us greater flexibility and a highway of adapting to the technology landscape, which changes its core parameters pretty often. This helps us keep the technologies cutting edge and still providing service at a totally affordable price.
Where are they located?
We currently operate in three different datacenters in four different locations spread over two different continents. We have two facilities in Chicago, Illinois, one facility in Phoenix, Arizona and we have recently started operating in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, which is located in Europe. We have our eyes on Asia and we are in process of opening a location there as well.
What kind of backup power do you have?
All the facilities we operate into are entirely N+2 redundant, with each computer room with its own diesel backup generators, dual-feed Internet and redundant network devices.
Do you have multiple backbone connections?
Yes, we are operating a fully redundant, 150+ GBPS network, located 2 hops away to 15+ Tier 1 providers.
What connections do you have?
We have excellent connectivity through nLayer, AboveNet, Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile and AT&T.
Do you offer 24/7 support?
We offer 24/7/365 technical support, no mater which day of the week or if it is National holiday, Christmas or New Years eve – the web does not comply with holidays – a Customer of ours can be in a potential need of technical assistance at any time and we are there to serve.
What is your average turn-around time on a support ticket?
Our technical support system is designed with quick reaction in mind. We strive to cope with 15 minutes response per ticket and we usually manage to respond in between 9 and 11.
What is your average turn-around time on a support ticket?
Our technical support system is designed with quick reaction in mind. We strive to cope with 15 minutes response per ticket and we usually manage to respond in between 9 and 11.
Do you offer a money back guarantee?
Of course we do – we believe in the right of every Customer to give us a dry run first. Our money back guarantee is 60 days, while the average for the industry is calculated to be 45.
Thank you for your time and insight into TMD Hosting.
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