Great Expectations: What A Good Web Host Should Provide
In order to launch and operate a successful business, it’s necessary to have a website hosted by a reliable, affordable, and service-oriented web hosting company. Many web hosts seem to offer rock-bottom prices, and some even claim to offer free web hosting, luring in lots of unsuspecting customers who simply want a headache-free website hosting experience without breaking the bank. Sometimes, though, what looks to be a great web hosting deal can turn out to be too good to be true. Many web hosts don’t deliver on what they promise, leaving their clients feeling frustrated. However, there is a web hosting company that provides award-winning service: Superb Internet. Superb stands behind the web hosting promises they make, priding themselves on their excellent customer service, offering the latest technological innovations, and having an exceptionally high rate of client loyalty.
A good web host should give its clients great customer service, first and foremost. Even the best, most reliable network is going to have issues crop up from time to time, and clients want to know that their problems will be handled seriously and in a timely manner. A short ticket response time is crucial, as time is money. Also, providing enough storage, bandwidth, and email to suit each client’s needs is essential, as are fast up-time, data back-up, and of course, a high speed of transfer. Linux, Windows, and cloud hosting options plus a good control panel are usually standard offerings as well. Finally, a good web host should have tiered hosting packages that allow clients to pay only for the services and space they need. Price matching is a common courtesy.
In a perfect world, all web hosts would offer the aforementioned services at an affordable price with little or no hassle. Unfortunately, what often happens is quite the opposite. Clients are looking to get the most bang for their buck, and they don’t always realize that a web host may not truly intend to follow through on everything it claims to provide. When potential clients see absurdly low prices on web hosting, or even free web hosting, they sign up for those packages, thinking they’ll come in under budget on hosting services. What often happens is that they get what they pay for: slow and unreliable servers, limited bandwidth, not enough space for all of their files, and thoroughly unprofessional customer service. It’s an exasperating and defeating experience for a client to watch his or her company’s website not be everything it was intended to be and have little control over why that is.
Fortunately, Superb Internet stands out among its competitors. They are so confident in their capacity to provide great web hosting that they offer their clients The Superb Standard, a series of three guarantees to put their clients at ease.
Price Match Guarantee
First, they offer a price match guarantee for comparable services. Prospective clients who find a competitor of Superb’s in the US or Canada offering similar specs on a dedicated server from a data center with onsite 24/7 technicians at a lower price will get that price from Superb Internet. Price, according to Superb, should never be a reason to choose a different web hosting provider.
Satisfaction Guarantee
Second, Superb offers a satisfaction guarantee. They know that there are lots of choices for web hosting out there, but they believe that they are the best. To prove it, they offer all new clients a 30 day money-back guarantee if they are unhappy with the services provided by Superb.
Customer First Guarantee / Warranties
Finally they offer a customer first guarantee, with a series of warranties if certain service benchmarks are not met. For example, Superb Internet guarantees a first response to a support ticket within 30 minutes, dedicated server deployment within 24 hours, and hardware replacement within two hours, among other guarantees. If any of these guarantees are not met, the client is given a free month of service. That’s how serious Superb is about providing the best web hosting.
Client testimonials about Superb Internet are nothing short of glowing. They know that they’ve found a company with a solid infrastructure and a team of patient, skilled, and helpful technicians who work tirelessly to meet their web hosting demands. They also know that they’re getting a fair price for hosting, and that Superb won’t let companies offering comparable services undercut them on fees. Many web hosting providers fail to deliver on their promises, but Superb Internet and their Superb Standard assure clients time and again that they meet expectations and are the best at what they do.
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