How do I Start my Own Blog Page?
“Yes, blogging is entertainment. It is performance. Each blog post a show, sometimes an opera, sometimes a 30 second commercial. Like a show, it may start with a bang, lead you along from song to song, have a great climatic moment, then leave the audience wanting more.” (Lorelle Van Fossen)
This nice quote sums up what blogging is about these days. Not too long ago, blogging was looked at as the unprofessional, public online diary of troubled young people. Today, blogs are a legit and very valid source of information. In fact, many large conglomerate websites rely on blogs for a lot of their content and unique news reporting, not to mention the ideas that creative professionals get from blogs written by the everyday Jack and Jill. If you have a blog today, you’re expected to fill it with great content- otherwise you won’t have readers, let alone loyal subscribers. There’s a lot of ways to go about this, but one simple tried and true way works every time- as long as you have the great content. But constantly having great content is extremely difficult, so how do fantastic bloggers keep their blogs fresh and interesting?
If you’re running a blog and have noticed over time your readership shrinking, or your follower count isn’t going up at a fast enough pace, your content is probably to blame. There are of course, lots of other factors that could play into it, but if you have a blog that had a great amount of traffic before and now it’s beginning to dwindle, your content is most likely the culprit. Maybe you have a new blog and you’re feverishly adding your brain’s treasure trove of information onto it without much luck with the traffic amounts. Sometimes, a new fresh voice can help change things dramatically.
A lot of bloggers claim that their content is always their own. Bloggers that post a great article every single day on something novel and interesting are rare. In fact, it’s almost arguable that any exist. The reality is big time bloggers with popular blogs employ a wide range of strategies that help keep their content interesting and coming in copious amounts. Here’s some of the things big bloggers do to keep the information flowing.
- Hire paid help. The amount of money you’re willing to spend will probably directly influence the quality of content you get from your paid help, but if you’re already making some amount of cash on your blog, putting that money back into your content is a great idea.
- Invite guest bloggers. There’s lots of websites dedicated to connecting blogs with guest bloggers, depending on your topic. This method is usually free, but credit for the articles you offer guest write-ups on doesn’t usually go to you.
- Post every day, but do some smaller posts if you’re stuck. A photo alone can work as a good post.
- Blog with partners. You may not want to take your mega blog project on by yourself. Maybe you know of some people who’d like to join in on your blogging venture?
If you’re starting a blog for the first time, or you’re considering a new host for your existing blog, we have a list of fantastic blog web hosts on our Blog Web Hosting page. You’ll find the best in blog hosting infrastructure from this list, so don’t hesitate to contact them!